Do you value your assets more than yourself?

Value is a funny thing. One person’s trash can be another person’s treasure, as the old saying goes. The value we place on something tends to be very individual, and is generally a product of many different factors ranging from cultural background and upbringing to personality type and even life stage. But as much as …

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Constructing a retirement portfolio in a low return world

Portfolio construction is a much-used term that can be misunderstood. Fundamentally, the term portfolio construction refers to the process of selecting investments to create the optimal balance of risk and return. By mixing different types of investments and different asset classes, portfolios can be built in a way that maximises the return for any given …

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What happens to superannuation when you break up?

Depending on the situation, you might get some of your ex partner’s super, or they may get some of yours. See what you need to know. A divorce from your husband or wife, or a separation from your de facto, could mean a division of your assets and debts, whether they’re held individually or together, and …

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Make it a goal to grow your super this year

There are a number of ways you can contribute more to your super, to take advantage of time and the magic of compound interest. These include salary sacrificing, and a range of tax-deductible, spouse and downsizer contributions, as well as government co-contributions. What you do right now affects how well you can live in future. …

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Being a smart Santa with your gift budget

When you’re under pressure to give that perfect present at Christmas it can be much harder to stick to a budget. Find ways to make your gift budget go further with our top tips for giving generously without going overboard on spending. Be prepared Taking time to plan how much you’ll spend on each person …

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Christmas Gifts that won’t break the Budget

Christmas is a wonderful time of year in Australia, filled with summer foods, decorations and of course, gift giving. This year will feel even sweeter for many, as friends and family reunite for the first time in months, if not years. Here are a few ideas to help you stretch your Christmas gift budget further, …

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